Hillary Clinton Vows To Help ‘American Everyday’


Hillary Rodham Clinton has vowed to help and support Americans everyday, and she said that: “America can’t succeed unless you succeed. Her campaign team hopes to boost approval ratings, which have flagged since her soft-launch in April.


Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and daughter Chelsea appeared alongside her. She promised to “make the economy work for everyday Americans, not just those at the top” if elected president next year. “Prosperity can’t be just for CEOs and circumvent fund managers; commonwealth can’t be just for billionaires and corporations,” Mrs Clinton, 67, said during the rally. Hillary said: “It’s America’s basic bargain… if you do your part, you ought to be able to get ahead, and when everybody does their part, America gets ahead too.”

Mrs Clinton hopes to make history as the first female US president. If successful she would also keep the White House within the same party for a third term. She did not detail specific policy proposals on Saturday. Her aides say that will happen over the next few weeks on issues including the economy, jobs and college affordability. Jennifer Palmieri, the Clinton crusade’s communications director, said Mrs Clinton plans to give a policy address almost every week in the coming months. Until now, the former US secretary of state has held small events with selected audiences in early voting states such as Iowa. Saturday’s outdoor rally marked a change in gear for her campaign.

But Clinton knows she needs to be identified with “everyday” Americans to win the presidency. Using that particular word comes off as a bit less patronizing than the more common “average Americans.” Every politician, even the ones in complete disagreement, claims to speak for the nation’s citizenry. It’s done often enough to achieve the effect of a skipping record. Vanderbilt University communication studies professor Paul Stob says “the American people” has become “the keyword for all populist discourse.”

As Mr. Stob notes, the subsets to describe political audiences include “hardworking Americans,” “God-fearing Americans,” “real Americans.”